Saturday, June 14, 2008


We're about to embark on our month (or even longer) trip in a little over a week. In this entry, I'd like for you (our readers) to comment with what you'd bring along on a road trip. What are some fun ways to pass the time in a car? Mix CDs, sure. iSpy, yep. Anything else?

Any suggestions for good road trip music? Food?



Anonymous said...

I always play "license plate bingo" on long car rides and keep track of all the states on paper/journal.

Angie said...

Good idea :)

WarOnMan said...

Maybe i'm demented, but Jesse, and i always play road-kill bingo (certain animals are worth certain points, and other factors like that).

Angie said...

Ohh, good one Mike!

Out west they have Armadillo and they're sort of the equivalent to our deer. I'm sort of excited to see that. Hah.

Unknown said...

My favourite road/word game is "The Minister's Cat"

It goes like this:
Taking turns, you go through the alphabet, using adjectives to describe the minister's cat- e.g. "The minister's cat is an ambivalent cat", "the minister's cat is a boistrous cat".

It's fun and tests your vocabulary ;)

Angie said...

Awesome. That is a good one. Plus, it can be played with various topics. :)